Time flies when you are having fun. They say. Time is money. They say. Time is the most valuable thing you can spend. They say.
They say a lot. Who are They and why are They always saying such things?
There are many quotes about time said by They.
I Googled and there are over 3,320,000,000 search results for quotes about time, but It is possible that there are only 3,320 quotes about time but there are on over 1 million different websites that claim these time quotes.
Hey, it’s the internet.
I think we are obsessed about time because we never seem to have enough of it. Or we are running out of it. Or we lose it.
And like most ‘best things’ in life it is free so we can’t buy any more.
Although I did see a sci-fi movie where you could buy time; and guess what? The rich lived forever.
But I’m off again.
So back to the subject of time.
It seems today that time is going much faster than when we were young, even the young ones think time is going fast. Too fast. Not the days. The days are dragging. It’s the months, the years. The days are long, the years are short. They say.
Our years are just flying by.
My theory: it’s the stores.
Or more to the point, it’s the stores setting up the ‘holiday’ sale displays early. Way too early. Way, way too early! It’s July, I go to the store to buy something extremely important and I walk smack dab into a Back to School Sale! Back to School, they just got out!!! This is ridiculous. Then on August 4th, I walked into the Halloween display!!! Are people really buying candy that early!
Easter in January, Thanksgiving in September, and the worst one Christmas in October.
This is why I feel my time is running out. This is why my the hour glass is half empty. It’s perception. In August we think that it is October because all we see is Halloween items. So, in our minds October goes on for three months.
I remember going to a store when I was a child and heavens forbid, there was not a sale sign in sight, everything was regular price. The Holiday Sale Event started about two weeks before the day. More than enough time to plan and make a purchase.
And of course, time went by at a reasonable rate.
Now, every month is on Sale.
They think we need three months to buy Holiday items.
They think we will forget or won’t realize that Valentine’s Day will be on the 14th this year.
I don’t know about you, but I would like to meet They and ask They what They are thinking!
Then again, who has time for that?